Our Curriculum

Our diverse and engaging range of subjects, content and unit choices, teaching methods, and opportunities to learn outside the classroom, are underpinned by the school’s Christian vision, rationale and ethos. We aim for all our pupils and students to flourish and live life to the full so that both the spirit and soul can grow, develop and mature in a healthy and positive way. We do this so that pupils, students and teachers can glorify God through enjoyable and outstanding education. Our teaching methods, techniques and strategies are informed by research and CPD, yet are supported by the Fruit of the Spirit as well as values we hope to foster in our community: resilience, independence, teamwork, kindness, collaboration, respect, love and acceptance.

In this section, you can find out more about the range of units Curriculum Team Leaders have chosen, to ensure well-rounded yet challenging learning for your child.

Key Stage 3

Pupils have lessons in all National Curriculum subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Drama, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and Religious Studies. One Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish) is taught in Years 7, 8 and 9.

At the end of Year 9, pupils select their GCSE choices.

Key Stage 4

Pupils are encouraged to study a range of subjects within a broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 4. All pupils will follow a compulsory core of subjects: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, and Science (Double/Triple). As a Christian school, Religious Studies plays an important role and is a compulsory GCSE for all pupils. All pupils will also study PSHE and Physical Education, both of which are non-examined courses.

Pupils then choose from an exciting range of optional subjects. The current offer includes GCSEs in Art and Design, Business Studies, Computer Science, Drama, French, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Spanish and Textiles.

Key Stage 5

Since opening in September 2008 our Sixth Form has gone from strength to strength. There are approximately 200 students on roll. Currently, over 20 subjects are offered at A Level and BTEC, ensuring all career pathways remain open and that there is something for everyone. For more information, see our Sixth Form pages.


Improving literacy is at the heart of everything that we do at Saint Cecilia’s through encouraging a love of reading, honing pupils’ writing skills and moulding confident, eloquent speakers who can access every opportunity available to them both at school and in the wider world.

For those who need extra support with any aspect of their literacy in school, we have a number of interventions and strategies in place to help. From the Accelerated Reader programme in Year 7 and 8, timetabled extra English lessons at KS4, small targeted reading groups and small group literacy programmes, such as Read-Write, at KS3, which are aimed at giving pupils focused attention and support tailored to their needs, we aim to ensure that every pupil has excellent literacy skills. We also operate a ‘Drop Everything and Read’ scheme to encourage pupils to make reading a part of their daily leisure activities and to emphasise the idea that reading is fun.


Homework at is an essential part of learning at Saint Cecilia’s. It is an opportunity for pupils to consolidate their knowledge and understanding and to prepare for future topics. Homework is set regularly in each subject and the school uses an online platform called ‘Show My Homework’.

Parents also have access and can monitor what work has been set as well as their submission status. 

Monitoring of Progress

All subjects conduct regular assessments of pupils’ progress and we report this progress to parents in several ways:

  • pupils receive termly grades in each subject showing current levels of achievement;

  • mentors make formal and informal contact where there is a concern or there has been exceptional achievement;

  • teaching staff offer telephone, e-mail or in-person contact with each child’s parents at least once per year and

  • every child receives a full, written Annual Report indicating strengths and weaknesses, levels of achievement and improvement targets for each subject.

British Values

The British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs are taught through the curriculum from Year 7 through to Year 13.

Academic Departments

Below is our school curriculum for each academic year for every subject. If you would like to know more about the curriculum we are following, do please email our general email address.