Key Stage 4 Curriculum Preferences
This is an exciting time for Year 9 pupils, as they start to consider which courses they want to pursue at GCSE for the next two years. Pupils will hear about the courses from their teachers in lessons, but below is a range of information to ensure you are as well informed as possible as you support your child through the process. On this page you and your child can access:
The Year 9 Key Stage 4 Preferences Booklet
’Meet the Subject’ videos from all our Curriculum Team Leaders
If you have any questions after watching these videos and reading the booklet, please email
The deadline for submitting preferences is Monday 24th March 2025, after the Year 9 Parents’ Evening.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Evening Virtual Event
Thursday 13th March 2025 6.00 - 7.30 pm
You will have an opportunity to hear from Assistant Headteacher, James Robinson, via a virtual event on Thursday 13th March, starting at 6pm. This will be held over Microsoft Teams and will cover the process and how to help your child make their decisions. The event will start with an introduction presentation by Mr Robinson and a short time for general questions before Curriculum Team Leaders run Q&A sessions until 7.30pm.
The link to access the live event and a ‘how to guide’ to accessing Microsoft Team Webinar events will be sent ahead of the meeting.
Key Stage 4 Preferences Booklet
Click on the image below to view and download. Please read this through with your child before the event. It contains full information on all subjects, our Preferences process and key dates.
‘Meet the Subject’ videos
Curriculum Team Leaders have put together short videos so you can understand the content, method of assessment and key features for each subject. To watch them full screen, click on the square shaped icon bottom right once the video is playing, and ‘Escape’ to leave the full screen mode.
If you have any questions after watching these videos, please email by Monday 10th March at 9am and your questions will be forwarded to the Curriculum Team Leader so that they can answer your questions in their Q&A sessions. These sessions will begin after the main presentation and will run from 6.30-7.30pm.
Art and Design
Business studies
Computer Science
Modern Foreign Languages (French or Spanish)
Physical Education
Religious Studies
Science (Combined or Triple)