Our Sixth Form has a track record of enviable exam results. This means that our students have a bright future with 30% securing places at Russell Group universities. 

To sign up for information about our Year 7 please visit our main Admissions pages.

The sixth form is a strength of the school and has a track record of success in recent years. Typically, students’ progress is above average… This is very much down to leaders’ single-minded focus on making sure that students are well prepared for the academic rigour of post-16 study. Leaders combine this with swift and targeted action where there are concerns about students’ achievement.
— Ofsted 2018

The Sixth Form school day:
Students arrive in school for their first lesson- we don’t expect you to arrive at 8.45am each day. The Sixth Form has two distinct areas for the exclusive use of Sixth Form students: a relaxation area and a study area. A range of sandwiches, hot food and drinks are available to purchase in the Sixth Form café, which now serves Costa coffee. There is also a bank of computers and a printer/ photocopier available for students to use. Students are taught to manage their time independently and are actively encouraged to use their study periods for private study.

The Sixth Form at Saint Cecilia’s benefits from an average class size of 16 students. Students are expected to choose four subjects in Year 12 and continue with three of them into Year 13.

Extra-curricular opportunities:
Current Year 12 and 13 students participate in conservation projects and visits to local primary schools and are extensively involved in charity work. Sixth Formers also take part in a number of citizenship activities, preparation for leaving school and PSHE, trips in the UK and abroad, including the conservation project Operation Wallacea - recent trips have included Dominica, Mexico and South Africa. Thorough and comprehensive guidance is given throughout the UCAS University application process and the vast majority of our students progress onto university.

The Head boy, Head girl and Prefects and all students in the Sixth Form are expected to take part in a variety of opportunities, as well as have roles of responsibility, such as buddy mentoring, reading buddies and subject prefects.

We are proud of the two sporting partnerships we have established. We have an exciting partnership with Harlequins Premiership Rugby Club which aims to grow and develop rugby opportunities within the school. The partnership will offer 26 Sixth Form students:

  • Training from Harlequins coaches twice a week with branded academy kit

  • Opportunities to attend home matches

  • Strength and conditioning nutritional support

  • The opportunity to meet first team players

We have one of the most successful school senior netball teams in the borough and our Netball Academy will help build on this success. Being selected as a member of the academy offers our Sixth Form girls regular coaching and support and many other opportunities to help them develop. Those selected for the Netball Academy receive an exciting raft of benefits including:

  • Coaching three times a week

  • Special branded academy kit

  • Regular fixtures and tournaments of their own.

We are currently one of highest performing non-selective state schools in the borough. Our latest results are:
Average A Level Results (2017-2024):
25% A*- A
55% A*- B
77% A*- C

Average BTEC results (2018-2024):
49% Distinction* - Distinction
86% Distinction* - Merit
98% Distinction* - Pass

Full details of life in our Sixth Form can be found in our
current prospectus.

Sixth Form Admissions: How to apply

If you require any further information, please contact our Admissions Manager on