National Youth Theatre Success

After completing afterschool rehearsals, Sadie and Christopher in Year 12 have successfully gained places at the National Youth Theatre. This is a fantastic achievement due to the high competition young people face to be offered a place. As NYT members, Sadie and Christopher will be involved in Summer workshops and then have full access to all that NYT has to offer including working alongside top individuals within the theatre industry. This opportunity is available to these students until they are 25 years old too. Congratulations to them both!

“I found auditioning for the National Youth Theatre rewarding and very exciting. Due to COVID the auditions were virtual this year meaning that I had to self-tape my monologue and complete my recall via Zoom. In my recall I thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with my monologue and seeing the different ways it could be performed. Through this I got valuable experience with self-taping and auditioning in general. I would definitely recommend auditioning because it’s a great chance to learn and gain skills through their audition process (which usually includes a workshop) and being an NYT member provides you with so many opportunities.”  Sadie (pictured), Year 12