Sami and Mehdi receive a Royal handshake!
/What an amazing and unforgettable moment for Sami and Mehdi when they met HRH Prince Charles on Tuesday 3rd May! The twins in Year 7 have been engaged with RCM Sparks, The Royal College of Music’s learning and participation programme, since 2016. They have attended over 26 events to date and were accepted onto the Sparks Juniors pathway in Spring 2019. This fully-funded programme of musicianship includes lessons taught by experienced teachers and supported by trained Royal College of Music undergraduate students. In September 2021 Mehdi achieved a full place at RCMJD, studying the bassoon and Sami achieved an associate member place in 2021 playing the cello and has successfully auditioned for a full RCMJD place starting in September 2022. Both boys met the Prince, President of RCM, when he visited the college.
Following this prestigious occasion, the boys said,
“Prince Charles was friendly and was encouraging. He told my mum she must be very proud of the two of us.” Sami
“It was great meeting Prince Charles, although I felt quite nervous. He said “well done” to my brother and me.” Mehdi