We need additional funds to offer our pupils the exceptional educational experience they deserve.

At Saint Cecilia’s we offer an enhanced education that goes beyond the basic state provision. Our ability to achieve this is reliant on the philanthropic support of not only our parents but also the broader community, major donors, foundations and trusts.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9: 7

By delivering an outstanding, enjoyable education with a wealth of opportunities and inspiration, we empower our pupils and students to recognise and realise their full potential.

Collectively investing in their future promotes equity in education, helps to bridge the gap between the independent and state school provision, and fosters a strong sense of connection and community.

We invite all parents to contribute to our School Fund and welcome donations from other individuals and organisations who wish to support our work.

How to support us
You can support us by making a voluntary donation to our school fund or volunteering to run fundraising events.

To donate:
Please click here for details of our School Fund and a Gift Aid declaration form or contact Mrs Adele Henkes in our development office via email: ahenkes@saintcecilias.london

To volunteer:
If you wish to support the school by volunteering to help run fundraising events and social activities, please join Friends of Saint Cecilia’s by completing this form from the Friends’ webpage.

Or contact Friends of Saint Cecilia’s to find out more: friendsofstcecilias@gmail.com

Our School Fund priorities
As well as supporting our families in need, the school fund allows continued investment in our facilities and extra-curricular offer.

Below are details of our compassionate support and projects in development:

  • Compassionate Support – helping our families in need with the cost of purchasing school shoes, uniform and PE kit as well as ensuring every child has a hot meal on school days.

  • Theatre Equipment Extension – expanding our existing theatre lighting setup with additional lights and permanent, fixed lighting bars enabling their use during drama lessons – offering all our pupils and students a taste of West End-style productions!  

  • The Bethany Centre Redevelopment* – redesigning the Bethany Centre to create relaxation rooms and secure, private, soundproof spaces. Supporting our pupils and students with special educational needs, disabilities or emotional challenges such as bereavement.

  • Sports Pitch Redevelopment* – increasing our onsite sports pitch space by 20% and fitting a new high-performance, year-round sports surface. Saving £40k a year on transport and facilities fees, reducing our carbon footprint and redeploying 39 school hours per pupil per year to teaching.

    *Please note that projects in development are contingent on approval and budget availability, and their progression is not guaranteed.

Thank you
Contributions to our School Fund support our ongoing initiatives and improve the educational experience for all pupils and students.

We are incredibly grateful for every donation, regardless of the size, and particularly want to thank those parents who are already donating regularly. Please join them by supporting our school, our families in need and help to give every child a fair chance of success.