The teachers are extremely passionate and have unparalleled knowledge in their fields; creating a safe and enjoyable environment to learn.
— Former student

Bridging work, as the name suggests, is designed to bridge the gap between GCSE and Year 12 and help prepare you for the type of work you will be covering in your Post-16 courses. You will need to complete bridging work for each of the subjects you have chosen to study from September. The work will be introduced in the taster lessons running in Freshers’ Week. Part of the week’s programme is set aside for this work to be started. It is the first chance to impress teachers and should not be left until the week before it is due in.

Submitting your work
The deadline for completing this work and handing it in is Friday 13th September 2024, the end of the first week in school.

Art and Design
Computer Science
Drama and Theatre Studies
English Literature
Further Mathematics
Geography 1
Geography 2a
Geography Reading
History from Boston to Waterloo
History Gladstone and Disraeli
History Good Queen Bess
Physical Education
Politics Reading 1
Politics Reading 2
Politics Tasks
Religious Studies
Religious Studies Textbook

Applied Science (Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate)
Business Studies
Music Technology
Travel and Tourism

I do think Saint Cecilia’s set me up well for adult life. Now I am studying English and Creative and Professional Writing at university and will soon have published a book with a few of my classmates, something I never would have dreamed of achieving without the support of the wonderful, hardworking staff at Saint Cecilia’s. My friends and I often talk about the things we miss about our school. Some of our happiest memories were made inside those school walls. Trust me, you’ll have a wonderful time!
— Former student